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【PS. 活動 | Programmes】線上藝術家工作室參訪——第五輪

2022-2-17 14:17:19点击:
Para Site線上藝術家工作室參訪持續進行中。是次系列活動免費對公眾開放,而Para Site則會為參與活動的藝術家提供薪酬及醫療保險。以下為未來數週內我們即將參訪的藝術家們
Zoom ID:838 8670 0948
由Para Site策展人瞿暢主持;特別嘉賓Michael Findlay

黃潔宜近期曾於紐約Public Art Fund(2020年)、上海油罐藝術中心(2020年)、香港Para Site藝術空間(2019年)、武漢剩餘空間(2018年)、拉脫維亞Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art(2017年)等地參展,作品亦曾被《紐約時報》、《Art in America》、《Contemporary Art Daily》、《e-flux conversations》、《藝術觀察》、《ARTnews》、《ArtAsiaPacific》、《藝術新聞》等媒體所提及評論。作為美國德克薩斯州Chinati Foundation 2021年度駐場藝術家,她將會行走於墨西哥與美國之間,進行氣象邊境探究。她畢業於耶魯大學藝術創作碩士課程,之後於在不同大學教授表演、影像和新媒體藝術課程。當她不用教學時,她喜歡以啟發自卡啦OK的自創教學模式教訓他人。她是香港LASER(Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous)的共同主席,亦是KFC (kombucha fan club)發酵茶俱樂部的忠實擁躉。

Google Meet:
由Para Site助理策展人/項目經理何思穎主持

羅玉梅畢業於香港中文大學藝術碩士,是藝術家營運機構「 天台塾 」創辦人之一。創作以影像、聲音和裝置藝術置為主要媒介。常以田野調查作為方法,介入城市空間及日常,捕捉歷史的物理痕跡、人的心理軌跡、時間的形跡與地緣政治的關。羅玉梅亦擅於挖掘表層下的細碎敘事與物,鉤沉微歷史,以及重新想像創作的剩餘物,賦予其全新意義。

她的作品於亞洲各地廣泛展出,包括「道草展」,日本水戶藝術館(2020) ;印尼日惹雙年展 (2019) ;「那傳來浪潮的方向」,Para Site藝術空間展位,巴塞爾藝術展香港展會(2018);「未來生活手冊」,紅專廠當代藝術館,廣州,中國(2017-2018);「維多利亞之東」,錄映太奇FUSE藝術駐場計畫,香港(2017);「廿年回歸前後話」,1a空間,香港(2017);「釜山國際短片影展」,南韓(2017)。

羅玉梅於2018年同時獲香港藝術發展局頒發藝術新秀奬(媒體藝術)和第十五屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽(媒體藝術組) 傑出作品獎。


Zoom ID:898 4575 3995
由Para Site教育及公共項目策展人李安琪主持

郭慕賢畢業於芝加哥大學,主修政治和藝術,並於2018獲得哈佛大學教育碩士學位。她是一位活躍的藝術家,她亦為創意教育機構lifelong labs的創辦人。郭氏舉辦過的個展包括香港視覺藝術中心的「一個就是後的心聲」。她的作品反映藝術和科技的重疊,讓人有多感官的體驗。她採用學前教育的理論基礎為創作靈感。郭氏於 2016年獲香港藝術發展局頒發計畫資助。郭慕賢現於香港生活及工作。

Zoom ID:838 4018 5586
由Para Site教育及公共項目策展人李安琪主持

嚴瑞芳的創作關注社會現象中的疑惑和想像,包括個人的身份,集體的身份和歷史是如何被建構的,並透過重訪及行動介入家庭故事,籍此翻看香港回歸前後的歷史片段。她倡議在不安中訓練感知,作為抗衡不確定社會環境的可能,因此她組織工作坊,進行連結他人及想像理想社群的渠道。作品運用田野考察、訪問、對聲音的記憶,整合機遇所得,以影像、文字、展演和錄像裝置等去創作半虛構半真實的視聽敘事體,以虛幻揭示現實。嚴瑞芳畢業於香港中文大學藝術碩士。她是藝術家營運的非牟利機構「天台塾」聯合創辦人,以及藝術組織 L sub 的成員。她於2018年獲WMA攝影大師獎。主要參與的項目及展覽包括:Landskrona Foto Festival(蘭斯克魯納,瑞典,2020)、個展「一介之逆」(JCCAC,香港,2019)、「Artists’ Film International」(白教堂美術館,英國, 2019)、( Bonniers Konsthall,瑞典, 2018)、「此地有獅」(剩餘空間,中國武漢,2019)、油街實現委約作品《看管時間的人》(2018)、「香港人權藝術獎2017」(刺點畫廊,香港,2017)、「廿年回歸前後話」(1a 空間,香港,2017)、「山中美術館」(四方當代美術館,南京,2016),L sub為《越後妻有大地藝術祭2020》香港部屋項目藝術家團隊。


Zoom ID:870 3259 5059
由Para Site教育及公共活動策展人李安琪主持


The PS Paid Studio Visits are a a series of free-to-attend virtual programmes, where Para Site is offering a studio visit fee and medical insurance to participating artists. We're pleased to be virtually visiting the following artists in the upcoming month:

Wong Kit Yi
Sat 15 Aug, 10AM HKT
Zoom ID: 838 8670 0948
Password: 351690
In English
Hosted by Qu Chang, Para Site Curator; with special guest Michael Findlay

Wong Kit Yi lives and works between New York and Hong Kong. Exploring biological answers to metaphysical questions, she deals with odd scientific findings and the dysfunctional relationship between what is considered science and pseudoscience. Wong also investigates the contractual relationship, working with such ideas as patron collaboration through the 99-year leases for her artworks. Her interests are always subject to change.

Her most recent works have been included in projects organized by Public Art Fund (New York, 2020); TANK Museum (Shanghai, 2020); Para Site (Hong Kong, 2019); Surplus Space (Wuhan, 2018); the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (Riga, 2017). Reviews of her work have appeared in such publications as the New York Times, Art in America, Contemporary Art Daily, e-flux conversations, ArtReview, ARTnews, ArtAsiaPacific, and Art Newspaper, etc. She has been selected for the Chinati Foundation Artist in Residence program (Marfa, 2021), where she will walk to and from between Mexico and the US to explore meteorological borders. She received an MFA from Yale University, and has been teaching university courses about performance, video art and new media. When she is not teaching, she loves lecturing people in her signature karaoke-inspired lecture format. She is the co-chair of LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous) Hong Kong, and a die-hard member of KFC (kombucha fan club).

Law Yuk Mui
Wed 19 Aug, 2pm HKT
Google Meet:
In Cantonese
Hosted by Celia Ho, Para Site Assistant Curator/Project Manager

Law Yuk-mui graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts (MFA). She is the co-founder of the artist-run organisation Rooftop Institute.

Using image, sound and installation as her mediums of preference, and adopting the methodology of field study and collecting, she often intervenes in the mundane space and daily life of the city and catches the physical traces of history, psychological pathways of human, the marks of time and the political power in relation to geographic space. Law often digs beyond the surface, through which she would recover fragments of narratives and micro histories. She is also sensitive to remnants in the art making process and finds imaginative ways to re-use and reactivate these things.
Her works have been extensively exhibited in Asia, including: Michikusa, Art Tower Mito, Japan (2020); Jogja Biennale (2019) ; From Whence the Waves Came at Para Site (2018); Art Basel Hong Kong (2018); Future Life Handbook at the Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art, Guangzhou, China (2017-2018); Victoria East: FUSE Artist Residency at Videotage, Hong Kong (2017); Talkover/Handover 2.0, at 1a space, Hong Kong (2017); and the Busan International Short Film Festival, South Korea (2017).

Law Yuk-mui received The Awards for young artist (media art category) of Hong Kong Arts development Awards and the Excellence Award (Media Art Category) of The 23rd ifva Awards in 2018.

Mo Kwok
Sat 22 Aug, 8:30PM HKT
Zoom ID: 898 4575 3995
Password: 941316
In English
Hosted by Anqi Li, Para Site Curator of Education & Public Programmes

Mo Kwok (b. 1993) graduated from the department of political science and visual arts at the University of Chicago. She holds a Masters of Education from Harvard University specialising in Arts in Education. She works and lives in Hong Kong. Her practice centers around the intersection between art and technology, creating moving paintings, sound sculptures and multi-sensory playscapes. Drawing from best practices in early childhood education, she constructs immersive experiences that are playfully interactive and humorously introspective. In 2016, she was awarded the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Emerging Artist Grant.

Yim Sui Fong
Mon 24 Aug, 9PM HKT
Zoom ID: 838 4018 5586
Password: 450074
In English
Hosted by Anqi Li, Para Site Curator of Education & Public Programmes

Yim Sui Fong’s practice responds to doubts and imaginations of social phenomena, including how personal identity, collective identity and histories are constructed. Through revisiting and intervention of familial stories, she reinterprets the fragments of Hong Kong’s post-handover history. She advocates the practice of one’s perceptions amidst uncertainty, so as to make the resistance to socially precarious situations possible. Thus, she organises workshops to invite mass participation in experimenting with and implementing possibilities for a community. Her works incorporate field research, interviews, memories of sounds and chance encounters. A combination of images, text, performance and video installations deliver an audio-visual narrative suspended between fiction and reality, revealing truths through illusions.

Yim Sui Fong graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts (MFA). She is the co-founder of the artist-run organisation Rooftop Institute and member of Hong Kong artist collective, L sub. She was awarded the WMA Masters Award 2018. Recent exhibitions and projects include: ‘Landskrona Foto Festival’, Sweden (2020) , Solo show ‘A Room of Resistance’, JCCAC, Hong Kong (2019), ‘Artists’ Film International’, Whitechapel Gallery, United Kingdom (2019), Bonniers Konsthall, Sweden (2018), ‘Hic Sunt Leons’, Surplus Space, Wuhan, China (2019), ‘The man who attends to the times’, project commissioned by Oi!, Hong Kong (2018), Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize Exhibition (2017), ‘Talkover/Handover 2.0’, 1 a Space, Hong Kong (2017), and ‘Mountain Sites: Views of Laoshan’, Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing, China (2016). L sub is the selected artist group to present in Hong Kong House at Echigo-Tsumari in Japan in 2020.

Cassie Kaixin Liu
Wed 26 Aug, 8PM HKT
Zoom ID: 870 3259 5059
Password: 059482
In English
Hosted by Anqi Li, Para Site Curator of Education & Public Programmes

Cassie Kaixin Liu is an artist and writer based in southern China. She focuses on installation, videography, performance and writing projects. In her practice, she appropriates varying motifs found in sound, light and texts to construct spaces, atmospheres and narratives. Her works discuss topics ranging from the interrelationship between body and space to regional diasporic experiences in southern China, often resulted from and fuelled by her negotiations with her own identities and surroundings.

PS Paid Studio Visits Headline Sponsor:?

Para Site藝術空間為香港首屈一指的當代藝術中心,亦是亞洲歷史最悠久、最活躍的獨立藝術機構之一。成立宗旨在透過展覽、出版刊物及教育項目等活動,促進在地與國際間的對話,希冀打造一個對當代藝術、社會現象提出批判性論述及理解的平台。

Para Site is Hong Kong’s leading contemporary art centre and one of the oldest and most active independent art institutions in Asia. It produces exhibitions, publications, discursive?and educational projects aimed at forging a critical understanding of local and international phenomena in art and society.

Para Site?藝術空間


G/F & 22/F, Wing Wah Industrial Bldg.
677 King’s Road
Quarry Bay
Hong Kong

+852 25174620


Wed-Sun, 12-7pm

Closed on Mon, Tue?& Public Holidays

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